It- und Webdevelopment


Web-Development und IT-Business steht für die innovative Förderung attraktiver IT-Dienstleistungen, die maßgeblich sind für die Integration moderner E-Commerce-Strukturen in das klassische Distributionsfeld. Unsere speziell qualifizierten Berater nutzen zielgerichtete Verfahren, die massgeschneiderte End-to-End-Lösungen für Unternehmen ermöglichen. Wir stehen Ihnen als eigenständiger und unabhängiger Projektpartner zur Verfügung, der in enger Absprache mit Ihnen die anstehenden Projekte verantwortungsvoll realisiert.

Web development is a broad term for any activity to developing a web site for the World Wide Web or an internet. This can include e-commerce business development, web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and web server configuration. However, among web professionals, „web development“ usually refers only to the non-design aspects of building web sites, e.g. writing markup and coding. Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, or social network services.

For larger businesses and organizations, web development teams can consist of hundreds of people (web developers). Smaller organizations may only require a single permanent or contracting webmaster, or secondary assignment to related job positions such as a graphic designer and/or Information systems technician. Web development may be a collaborative effort between departments rather than the domain of a designated department.